Why Hypopressive Breathing is the Best Exercise for Bloating
Breathwork Mini Series
Part One: 6 Benefits of Hypopressive Breathing
Part Two: Why Hypopressive Breathing is the Best Exercise for Bloating
Part Three: How to Start a Hypopressive Training Practice
Part Four: Why isn’t my Belly more Hollow During Apnea?
Hypopressive breathing is the best exercise for bloating and digestive issues because it reduces the pressure in your abdomen and detoxifies your organs. The postures and breath patterns used in hypopressive breathing brings your organs into their best position to receive blood flow and lymph. Hypopressive breathing also trains your core muscles to keep the pressure in your abdomen low throughout your day and keep your organs supported in their best position.
Many typical “core workouts” can actually make bloating worse and distend the waistline by increasing the pressure in the abdomen. Examples of “core workouts” that increase intra-abdominal pressure are: crunches, sit ups, HIT training, running, jumping, heavy weight lifting, and high impact activities. Many people do these exercises with the intention to reduce their waistline, but these exercises can make actually distend the waistline and make bloating worse when core muscle dysfunction is present.
Knowing that increasing intra-abdominal pressure can make bloating worse, and what activities and exercises increase intra-abdominal pressure, you can avoid the things that worsen the situation. Then by implementing a proper exercise protocol for bloating, you will be able to restore the natural optimal function of your core muscles, which will support organ position and detoxification, and facilitate increased circulation of blood and lymph to the abdomen and pelvis.
Last week on the blog, we discussed the 6 Benefits of Hypopressive Breathing. In part 2 of this 4 part series, we will discuss why hypopressive breathing is the best treatment to resolve bloating and digestive issues. To really understand this method, we’ll use a past client of mine as an example. This client came to me for help with bloating, digestive issues, and core strength. Her story and situation is incredibly common, and one I see all the time.
This case is a great example for people to learn from and I am so excited to share her progress!
This client had struggled with constipation and bloating for years. She had a healthy diet; limited her intake of gluten, sugar and dairy; and stayed well hydrated. She exercised 5-7 days/wk, enjoyed running and doing group workout classes. She had seen multiple doctors for her constipation and bloating, tried various cleanses, diets and supplements, but nothing was helping. She came to me with a “gut instinct” that there must be something wrong with her core muscles. Well she was exactly right! Always listen to your gut ๐
The first thing we did was modify her current exercise routine. As I mentioned previously, many typical work out classes can actually make bloating worse and distend the waistline by increasing the pressure in the abdomen. So to begin, we modified what she was doing for exercise and eliminated her crunches, sit ups, leg lowering, HIT training and high impact activities. I recommended she throw away the crunches and sit ups forever, because they most often do more harm than good. I explained that the mentality behind HIT training (do as many reps as fast as you can in a small amount of time) frequently leads to injury due to lack of focus on proper movement and breathing mechanics. I said she could add those exercises back in later once her core muscles were functioning properly again; but that posture and breathing had to be the highest priority and not reps or speed. We also temporarily eliminated running and high impact activities, just while we re-trained her core muscles. Once her core muscles were functioning properly again, she could get back to those high impact activities she loved.
I then taught her an abdominal massage that brought her organs into their best position, reduced tension in her abdominal muscles, improved digestion and elimination, and increased blood and lymph flow to her abdomen and pelvis. She performed this massage daily before bed.
Next, we initiated postural and breath training so that she was triggering gentle core muscle activation through reflexes created by spinal position and breathing all day long. The way we posture and hold ourselves most of the time, will determine the shape our bodies take on. Having a job where she had to work at a computer most of the day was causing her to sit too much and leading to poor posture. Sitting and poor posture increases the pressure in the abdomen, lowers the organs, and reduces blood flow to the abdomen and pelvis. This situation significantly contributes to bloating and digestive issues in the majority of our population! Add shallow breathing to this, and you have a recipe for reduced blood flow, slowing of digestion and metabolism, and organ compression. So I recommended she have a standing desk, change positions, and move frequently as she worked at her computer. I taught her the best way to breathe throughout her day, so that core muscle re-training and core muscle strengthening was occurring all day long - not just with specific exercises.
We then started her on hypopressive training. At first it felt strange and was very challenging. She found apnea to be quite difficult because her core muscles were so tense and dysfunctional. However, with regular practice, she became a pro! And now in these videos you can see how hollow she is able to get her belly. Hypopressive training reduced the pressure in her abdomen, lifted and detoxified her organs, and re-trained her core muscles to function properly. She practiced her hypopressive routine 3-5 days/wk for 15-30 min sessions.
Finally, we added targeted glute strengthening into her routine, and used specific decompression breathing drills to properly connect her glutes, abdominals, pelvic floor, and diaphragm to work in unison to decrease her waistline with every exercise she does. When her core muscle function test indicated proper core muscle function, she was able to introduce running and high impact activities back into her routine and they no longer caused bloating.
The protocol described above is the best way to resolve bloating because it focuses on restoring the natural optimal function of the core muscles - which is to manage the pressure in the abdomen, support organ position and detoxification, stabilize the spine, and facilitate proper circulation of blood and lymph to the abdomen and pelvis.
Here’s what she shared about her experience with this bloating protocol:
How to get started with your own bloating protocol
If you are struggling with bloating, digestive issues, and symptoms of core dysfunction, the Core Recovery Method® can help you. The Core Recovery Method® online program teaches you my entire protocol to resolve bloating once and for all. You can create a simple and easy practice for yourself in the comfort of your own home.
In the meantime here are my top tips to cure bloating:
Stay hydrated and limit gluten, dairy and sugar
Eliminate activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure while you re-train your core muscles
Focus on your daily posture and breathing
Perform abdominal massage daily
Practice hypopressive breathing 3-5 days/wk for 15-30 min sessions
Practice functional glute strengthening 3 days/wk for 10-20 min sessions