Breathing Techniques to Heal a Diastasis

core diastasis post partum

Diastasis Mini Series

Part One: What Causes a Diastasis?

Part Two: Healing a Diastasis Post Partum

Part Three: Breathing Techniques to Heal a Diastasis

Part Four: Proper Posture to Heal a Diastasis

Part Five: Hypopressive Training to Heal a Diastasis



Diastasis, a separation of the abdominal muscles, is a natural part of pregnancy. If the abdominal muscles do not close again after 3 months post partum, that is when diastasis becomes a clinical concern. When a diastasis is left untreated, it can lead to various issues such as back pain, incontinence, prolapse, uterine position issues, irregular cycles, digestive problems and pelvic floor dysfunction. Now you know what causes a diastasis, and what a comprehensive approach to healing a diastasis looks like. Next I’d like to share with you how to speed healing of a diastasis without setting aside time to exercise. Time can be hard to find during the post partum period, so being able to implement simple breathing and postural techniques during your daily activities can be a game changer in the recovery process.


Breathe Away a Diastasis

Breathing is the cornerstone to rehabilitating the core (and resolving a diastasis for good) because it is the gateway to the involuntary nervous system, and how we elicit reflexive activation of the deepest core muscles. A diastasis is not something we have voluntary control over so we must target the involuntary nervous system and trigger reflexive activation of the abdominal muscles to truly heal a diastasis for good.

Breathing allows us to trigger reflexive activation of the deepest core muscles. Unlike voluntary exercises, such as kegels or drawing the belly button to the spine, breathing targets the involuntary nervous system, making it essential for complete and permanent closure of a diastasis. In this post, we'll explore the top two breathing tips that can greatly contribute to diastasis rehabilitation.


Top Two Breathing Tips to Heal a Diastasis

  1. Emphasize 360 Rib Cage Breathing

    One crucial aspect of diastasis rehab is breathing into the rib cage rather than the belly. When the movement of breathing occurs in the rib cage, the deep abdominal muscles are reflexively activated, the connective tissue and fascia of the abdomen will tighten and the waistline will narrow.

    If the movement of breathing occurs mostly in the belly, the deep abdominal and pelvic muscles will be inhibited, the fascia and connective tissue of the abdomen will stretch out more, and the waistline will distend.


  2. Maintain Lifted Rib Cage on Exhale

    Avoid letting your rib cage collapse and fall downward during exhales, as it can exacerbate a diastasis by increasing the pressure in the abdomen and further distending the waistline. Instead, keep your rib cage lifted away from your pelvis while exhaling. This effectively reduces the pressure in your abdomen, activates your deep core muscles reflexively, tightens your abdominal fascia, and contributes to the closure of your diastasis.


Breathing plays a fundamental role in diastasis rehabilitation, offering a pathway to activate the involuntary nervous system and trigger reflexive activation of the core muscles. By implementing these two breathing tips, you can enhance your diastasis healing journey. 

Focus on breathing into your rib cage rather than your belly, enabling the reflexive activation of deep abdominal muscles and the narrowing of your waistline. Additionally, make a conscious effort to maintain a lifted rib cage on exhales to minimize abdominal pressure, promote the activation of core muscles, and aid in the closure of your diastasis. 


Remember, breathing properly can be a powerful tool in your quest to rehabilitate your core and achieve lasting diastasis resolution.

If you have a diastasis, rest assured, it can be fixed no matter how far post partum you are. In The Core Recovery Method® Online Program, you can learn all the skills and exercises necessary for closing a diastasis in a simple and comprehensive protocol. The Core Recovery Method® is ideal to use during pregnancy, as well as post partum, in order to facilitate healing and speed up post partum recovery. Retain your breathing properly, and effectively close your diastasis for good.

When optimal breathing is combined with ideal posture, magic happens in the core and healing occurs quickly. Stay tuned for next weeks post about how to use posture throughout your day to heal a diastasis.


Learn more about these breathing techniques and more inside The Core Recovery Method® , so you can heal your diastasis for good.

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