How to Relieve Core Tension with Diaphragm Massage
Core Health Mini Series
Part One: What is the Core?
Part Two: Identifying Core Dysfunction: How to Test Your Core Muscle Function
Part Three: The Secret to Core Training
Part Four: How to Relieve Core Tension with Diaphragm Massage
Last week we discussed how the secret to core training is activating the involuntary muscle fibers of the core. Besides posture and breathing, another way to improve the activation of ALL of the core muscle fibers is to reduce unnecessary tension in the core muscles through self massage. Self massage is an easy way to make a huge impact on your core health. In my online course, The Core Recovery Method®, I teach an abdominal massage that centers the organs and eliminates dysfunctional tension in the core muscles.
I’d like to share with you one part of this massage that can do wonders for anyone’s core: The Diaphragm Massage. Tension in the diaphragm is a major contributing factor to so many different kinds of core and pelvic dysfunction. I can confidently say that the diaphragm is the key to healing the core!
The diaphragm is my favorite muscle. It it is the only muscle to span the entire circumference of the body. It impacts everything - breathing, circulation, immunity, digestion, organ function, mental and emotional states, core strength, and posture - just to name a few. The diaphragm’s twin is the pelvic floor, so whatever the diaphragm is doing, the pelvic floor follows.
The diaphragm pulls air into our bodies, massages all of our internal organs, and allows passing of the giant blood vessels (aorta and vena cava) between our upper and lower bodies. The vagus and phrenic nerves also run through the center of the diaphragm. These nerves control heart rate, breathing, emotion, digestion and our fight or flight response. And in a spiritual sense, the diaphragm is the transition zone between our earth body and our spirit body.
So massaging your diaphragm and keeping her happy and able to move fully through her range of motion is of the utmost importance!
For those of you who work with me or have been following me for a while, you know I always cue “keep your ribs open” and “your waist long”. Doing this simple upper abdominal massage will help you do that! It will also help those of you who find hypopressive breathing especially challenging. Releasing tension in the diaphragm and upper abs will improve the mechanics of your exhale, and allow your belly to hollow more during apnea.
Give this massage a try, and see the results for yourself!
How to Perform the Diaphragm Massage
Perform 3 strokes from your breast bone to your belly button
3 strokes from your left rib cage to your belly button
3 strokes from your right rib cage to your belly button
Repeat this pattern for at least 30 total strokes
If you find an area of tension or tenderness, slow your stroke down, breathe deeply into your belly, keep your pressure firm yet gentle, allow it to soften at its own pace.
It may seem simple, but doing this massage three to seven times a week can have profound effects!
Want to keep going and learn the rest of this self abdominal massage? Check out The Core Recovery Method® Online Program. In it you can find the complete instructions for this luxurious and incredibly effective self abdominal massage that can improve all kinds of core issues, like bloating, pain, digestive discomfort, fertility issues, bladder problems and menstrual pain or irregularity. You will learn all of the most important aspects of self-care for your core and many other incredibly simple techniques to optimize your core health.