3 Short Videos on Endometriosis That Will Blow Your Mind


Endometriosis Guest Series with Katie Edmonds

Part One: What is Endometriosis?

Part Two: How Does Endometriosis Develop?

Part Three: Endometriosis and Immune Dysfunction

Part Four: Understanding & Managing Endometriosis Symptoms

Part Five: 3 Short Videos on Endometriosis That Will Blow Your Mind



This month on the blog, we have a 5-part endometriosis series by guest expert Katie Edmonds. Last week, Katie discussed managing endometriosis symptoms (like “endo belly”) by addressing dysbiosis and endotoxins. This week, Katie is sharing 3 short videos on endometriosis that explain what inflammation is, how endometriosis is an inflammatory disease, and healing from endometriosis.



3 Short Videos on Endometriosis

“Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease!” Said the teacher.

“Oh, I get it now!” Said no one ever.

Feel familiar? You’re not alone! Most of us don’t even know what inflammation is. I certainly didn’t many moons ago. In fact, I thought it was just something you got… like I ate sugar and the sugar gave me inflammation.

On the contrary, inflammation is something your immune system does. More like, I ate sugar, the sugar damaged my body in some way, and my immune system started attacking (i.e. inflammation). See? Pretty different perspective. And, in the endo body, your immune system is doing inflammation both wrong and without end. This makes addressing inflammation and immune dysfunction top priority!

In fact, without addressing the underlying inflammatory triggers, you may be stuck in a pit of endo-despair, wondering why you’re not feeling better even though you think you’re doing “everything” (when in fact you may be doing a lot, though none of it what your body really needs to heal).

Want to learn more? Of course you do! As an endo ninja-warrior you’re here so you can understand your body, what’s happening to is, and course correct to finally get the healing gains you need. So sit back and relax while watching these 3 short videos (no more than 8 minutes TOTAL) on what inflammation is, how it’s dysfunctional in the endo body, and how to address it.

Part 1: What is inflammation, anyways?


Part 2: How is endometriosis an inflammatory disease?


Part 3: Healing from Endometriosis



Guest Expert: Katie Edmonds

Katie Edmonds is a Nutritional Therapist, Paleo Autoimmune Certified Coach, creator of the popular blog Heal Endo, and author of the 4-Week Endometriosis Diet Plan and Heal Endo: An Anti-inflammatory Approach to Healing from Endometriosis.

After putting her own endometriosis into remission, something she never knew was possible, Katie has developed education and offerings around a research-backed diet and lifestyle shown to help heal the chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction that those with endometriosis experience.

Through her books and blog, her work has impacted the lives of tens of thousands by informing a new way forward when living with a chronic disease like endo. Katie doesn’t believe getting an endo diagnosis should be the beginning of the end and believes there is truly a much better way to approach endometriosis, both in the doctor's office and at home.

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