You can Heal Endometriosis!
I would like to share an incredible book with you and introduce a dear friend and colleague of mine, Katie Edmonds. She lives on the North Shore of Kauai with me, and is a nutritional therapist driven to help women with endometriosis. We met because we are both passionate about healing uteruses! Having been diagnosed with endometriosis herself, she was told she will have chronic internal pain forever and may not have babies.
Not accepting this as her reality, she healed herself through a four-pronged approach that put her endometriosis into remission, and dramatically changed her life forever. Despite what doctors told her, she just had a beautiful baby boy and is feeling better than ever! She has also helped thousands of women worldwide heal from endometriosis as well. She uses ancestral nutrition to de-stress, detox and re-align the body so that endometriosis can no longer exist. She is a wealth of knowledge and can change your life forever if you are struggling with endometriosis. She is living proof of “let food be thy medicine.”
I’m so excited that Katie just wrote a book about healing endometriosis through diet! She brilliantly explains complex physiological processes that lead to inflammation and disease in the body, in a very simple and easy to understand way, then gives you super yummy recipes that will heal you! And you can buy it on Amazon.
If you are a woman with endometriosis- this book is for you.
If you don’t have endometriosis, but you have another pelvic health issue - this book is for you.
If you have a healthy pelvis and just want to decrease inflammation in your body - this book is for you!
If you want to learn more about Katie, check out her website or follow her on insta @heal.endo . She does in-person and remote training, and will rock your world.